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Comprehensive Female Cancer Package image

Comprehensive Female Cancer Package

Test Code -HS034

No. of Tests -20

* Choose any ONE :
Mammogram or Ultrasound Breast

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A women’s body is constantly changing – with all the hormonal changes, with age, with emotions, with duties and much more. Sometimes changes that seem normal can be signs of cancer though. With all the stresses they go through, it is very important to do a comprehensive health check-up. Especially, if you have a history of Cancer in the family, comprehensive cancer screening should be done regularly to rule out any hidden disease.

Here are some symptoms that women should not ignore and get a cancer preventive check-up done

Abnormal vaginal bleeding. More than 90% of women diagnosed with endometrial cancer (cancer of the lining of your uterus) experience irregular bleeding. Bleeding that’s not a part of your usual monthly cycle can have many causes, but your doctor will want to rule out endometrial cancer.

If you have already undergone menopause, any bleeding or spotting should be evaluated well. If you haven’t reached menopause and still experience bleeding between periods or heavy bleeding or bleeding during sex, it can be a concern for cervical or vaginal cancer. You must consult your doctor and discuss the same.

Some women experience vaginal discharge colored with blood. Bloody, dark or smelly discharge is usually a sign of infection. But sometimes, it may be a warning sign of cervical, vaginal or endometrial cancer.

Unexplained weight loss. It is always good to keep exercising and follow a healthy diet plan to maintain a balanced body weight. As being overweight or obese, can increase your risk for cancer. But if you suddenly lose more than 10 pounds without changing your diet or exercise habits, talk to your doctor.

Most unintended weight loss is not cancer. It is often caused by stress or thyroid disorders, but it can be a sign of pancreatic cancer or other types of cancers such as colon, stomach or lung cancer.

On the other hand, loss of appetite or feeling full all the time, never feeling hungry, may be symptoms of ovarian cancer or other cancers not related to the reproductive system.

Constant fatigue. A busy week can wear anyone out. A lot of women are tired because they lead hectic lives. But extreme tiredness that won’t go away isn’t normal. In most cases, a little rest should cure your fatigue. If fatigue is interfering with your work or leisure activities, stop blaming your hectic life and see your doctor, especially if you have any other associated symptoms.

Pain in the pelvis or abdominal area. Cancer doesn’t cause most aches. But ongoing pain can signal bonebrain, or other cancers, especially ones which have spread. Ask your doctor about any unexplained aches that last a month or longer. Ongoing abdominal pain or discomfort — including gas, indigestion, pressure, bloating and cramps — can signal ovarian or endometrial cancer.

Changes in your bathroom habits. If you suddenly need to urinate all the time or feel constant pressure on your bladder, unless you’ve started drinking more liquids or you’re pregnant or you’re diabetic, this may be a sign of cancer. Bloody urine is usually the first sign of cancer of the bladder or kidneys.

Change in bowel habits may be a sign of something externally pressing on the colon. This could be any advanced stage gynecologic cancer or other cancers. Bloody stool is often from hemorrhoids, but it can also be a symptom of colon cancer.

Persistent indigestion or nausea. Occasionally, persistent indigestion or nausea can signal gynecologic cancers. Women are natural bloaters. It is OK to wait a week or two to see if it goes away. But if your symptoms don't get better with time, or if they happen with weight loss or bleeding, see a doctor. Constant bloating could be a sign of cancer, including breast, colon, gastrointestinal, ovarian, pancreatic, or uterine.

Too much food, alcohol, or stress (or all three) can cause serious heartburn. Try to change your diet for a week or two to see if your symptoms get better. If that doesn't help, talk to your doctor. Heartburn that doesn't go away or gets worse could mean cancer of the stomach, throat, or ovaries. Also, persistent heartburn can damage the lining of your esophagus and lead to a condition called Barrett’s esophagus. The condition raises the risk of developing throat cancer.

Occasional trouble swallowing is nothing to worry about. But when it happens often, especially with vomiting or weight loss, your doctor may want to check you for throat or stomach cancer.

Changes in your breasts. Most breast cancers are detected by women themselves. Be alert for lumps in the breast or armpit. Also be on the lookout for changes to the skin on your breasts, changes in the look and feel of your breasts, and abnormalities in the nipples, skin dimpling or puckering, nipples that turn inward, nipple discharge or redness or scaling of your nipple or breast skin. Most breast lumps aren't cancer, but if the symptoms last two weeks or longer, see your doctor to get yourself checked out.

Changes in Lymph Nodes. Lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped glands around the body. Most changes in them come from common infections. But some cancers, including leukemia and lymphoma, can also cause lymph nodes to swell and/or become tender. It's a good idea to see your doctor if you have a lump or swelling anywhere in your body that lasts a month or more.


*Packages with Mammogram are available at selected locations. Kindly contact us at 0585 300360 before you book the test to avoid inconvenience.

Test Detail

*Female Cancer Screening
  • Alpha Feto Protein (AFP)
  • CA - 125
  • CA - 15.3
  • CA - 19.9
  • Carcino Embryonic Antigen (CEA)
  • Beta HCG Quantitative
*Iron Deficiency Profile
  • Serum Iron
  • TIBC - Total Iron Binding Capacity
  • Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity (UIBC)
*Pap Smear Liquid based cytology (LBC)
*Kidney Profile / Renal Profile
  • Calcium
  • Uric Acid
  • Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
  • Creatinine
  • Urea
*HPV- Human Papilloma Virus DNA Detection and Typing Cervical scrapping including sample collection
*Vitamin D Total
*Ultrasound (USG) PELVIC
**Gynecologist Consultation

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