The 50'sPlus Profile is tailored for individuals over 50, providing a comprehensive screening to monitor key health indicators. With tests for heart health, liver and kidney functions, thyroid health, and diabetes, this package helps detect potential health issues early. Regular monitoring of cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and overall wellness ensures you stay on top of your health as you age. Empower yourself to live a longer, healthier life with this essential health check-up, giving you the tools for proactive health management as you age gracefully.
Diabetic Screen :
The HbA1c test gives a picture of the average blood glucose profile of the person for the last 3 months. Thus, it proves to be a very important prognostic test. If diabetes is caught early and treated, the person can enjoy and full and normal life. Delay in diagnosis can lead to multiple serious complications affecting the heart, kidneys and brain.
Complete Hemogram :
The Complete Hemogram include 20+ tests to give you a very clear picture of the status of the various cells in the blood. It helps to detect variations in both types of blood cells – RBC and WBC. It helps study the hemoglobin levels, that makes you look pale, if low. Studying the platelet count, helps to know about any bleeding disorders.
Liver Profile :
The liver profile helps diagnose problems related to liver arising out of various reasons e.g. dietary, medications, alcohol etc. In general, liver blood tests are used to detect an injury or an inflammation to the liver. Any disturbance should be immediately shown to a doctor and treated early to avoid serious complications which may also include liver cancer [hepato-cellular carcinoma].
Lipid Profile :
The Lipid Profile shows the health of the circulatory system and the risk of a cardio-vascular incident in the individual. High cholesterol levels are a significant risk factor for heart disease and usually don't show any signs or symptoms, so a cholesterol test is an important tool. When you have high cholesterol, you may develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels, thus narrowing the blood flow channel and causing a reduced blood supply to the vital organs of our body.
Renal Profile :
The Renal Profile checks the ability of the kidneys to form normal urine and the ability of the kidneys to filter harmful substances from the blood. It also checks for dehydration. Delays in treating any abnormality, can lead to increase in blood pressure, reduction in the kidneys’ functional capability. It can also, if left untreated, lead to complete loss of function of the kidneys.
Electrolyte Profile :
The electrolyte profile is an indicator of the health of the brain, heart and digestive functions and is also involved in all body processes. The electrolytes help to maintain a proper internal environment within the body. Disturbances, even minor, in the electrolytes can have severe effects on the heart.
Rheumatoid Factor:
It is one of the tests that helps to diagnose arthritis, specifically, to pinpoint rheumatoid arthritis. This test is most advisable if you have pain or swelling of joints or experience stiffness of joints. Rheumatoid factor is an indicator of auto-immune disease. Hence, its presence and the quantity in which it is present in your blood plays an important role in the diagnoses of other autoimmune disorders too.
Thyroid Profile :
The thyroid glands, directly or indirectly, control all body functions. Deviations must be shown to a doctor immediately and treated. Thyroid dysfunction, if untreated, can cause severe hormonal disturbances, disturbances in menstrual cycles, infertility, impotency, dry and brittle hair and weight loss. In children it can result in disturbed growth.
Urine Routine:
A urine routine or urinalysis is a test that studies the appearance, concentration and contents of the urine for any abnormality. An abnormal finding in the urinalysis indicates a disease or illness. A urinalysis is used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes.
Test Detail
*Hemogram (20 tests)
*Rheumatoid factor (RF) Qualitative test
**Diabetic Screen
- HbA1c - Glycated Haemoglobin
- Average Blood Glucose
**Lipid Profile
- Total Cholesterol
- HDL Cholesterol
- LDL Cholesterol
- VLDL Cholesterol
- Triglycerides
- Non-HDL Cholesterol
- CHOL / HDL Ratio
*Urine Routine ( 19 Tests)
**Liver Profile
- Albumin Serum
- Alkaline Phosphatase
- Bilirubin Direct
- Bilirubin Total
- GGTP Gamma GT
- Protein Serum
- Bilirubin Indirect
- Serum Albumin / Globulin Ratio
- Serum Globulin
**Renal Profile
- Calcium
- Uric Acid
- Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
- Creatinine
- Urea
**Thyroid Profile
- T3 Total
- T4 Total
**Electrolytes Profile
- Sodium
- Chloride
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